There is one respected elder from each Moiety in each of the three communities (Milyakburra, Umbakumba and Angurugu).
Moiety One: Bradley Bara and Jabani Lalara.
Moiety Two: Tony Wurramarrba, Willy Wurramara, Morgan Wurramara and Phillip Mamarika.
The Social Program will only act on requests for Men’s Ceremonies through the nominated person of that Moiety from that community. That nominated person must supply The Social Program with a list of attendees. The total budget for Men’s Ceremony/ies is capped at $150,000 for financial year 2017/18 only.
Awaiting advice
Other than Funerals. The Sub-committee will determine as required the budget for smoking ceremonies – maximum of one smoking ceremony per community (for each of the three communities) per annum.
The Social Program will not fund the lifting of a Curse on GEBIE Infrastructure as it relates to the Social Program. Where ALC infrastructure has been cursed, if required The Social Program will fund flights to conduct a smoking ceremony. Flights only – No cash, no cigarettes, etc.